Fill Me With More

I am finally getting a chance to upload a song that I recorded with my old worship team, in NJ.
I remember when I wrote this song, I was just starting out as a worship leader, and started writing songs in the church.  I was in my 20's just falling in love with God. Listening back, I feel so lucky to have gone on such a journey.
This song is almost like I'm singing to my future self. As I've been in ministry, and have gone through several rough patches.  I acknowledge so desperately that I need Him even more than before.  The people I trusted and looked so highly of also have blind spots, as do I.  We must decrease, as God must increase.
In my class I learned the Greek words of worship
Latreuein- to serve
Douleuein- having a master servant relationship
Leitourgein- having a religious observation sanctioned by God.
We can submit and serve God, but these days I feel the attitude of the heart is what matters most to Him. He just wants us to be honest with Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit washes over us all, for clarity and healing in our hearts.


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