Bright hopes for tomorrow...

In the hymn, Great is thy Faithfulness, the last verse reads
Grace for today and bright hope for tomorrow...
These words have encouraged me, and help me to move forward.
I lost my Mother in Law, a month ago.  The traumatic event spun the core of our family into a whirlwind. There were no words, no thoughts, no songs in my heart.  Just shock and darkness creeping into every part of my life.  Worshipping God has been my defense, worship has been my battle cry, worship has been my life support.

I am grateful for the worshippers that have penned these great songs, for truth to sustain us esp in these dark times.  Isn't it such a relief...we aren't alone.

I'm thankful for the sweet voices of my daughters filling the house with their silly songs, breaking through the atmosphere and they don't even know. They are just being who they are.

For those of you who have followed me over the course of the year.
I can't believe the year flew by, thanks for joining me!



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